U of L fans are the biggest band wagon jumpers among sports fan. Nothing they do ever seem to not amuse me. Three years ago all U of L fans did was brag about how they “up and coming” or the future “elite team” in college football. This was based on a 12-1 season beating up on the Major Conference known as the Big East; a conference weak compared to the likes of the SEC, Pac-10, Big 12 and Big 10.
U of L fans seem to enjoy forgetting the past. This is not the first time in history they had one great season to only turn around and go back to a .500 or less team. They did this during the 1980 and 1990’s. Funny how U of L fans never recall the bad seasons they’ve had.
If we are going to judge teams by one good season as “up and coming”, then we should get ready to fear Ball State and Utah. I wonder are their fans as insane as U of L fans? Or do they have more common sense? My guess is no fan base is as fake as U of L fans.
Since this future “elite” team has gone 6-6 and 5-7 the past two seasons, their fan base wants their coach fired. And why? Do you truly believe U of L was on the brink of being a top 10 team year after year? Going 9 and 3 in the Big East is laughable to fan bases of the SEC and other elite conferences. Going 9 and 3 in the Big East simply means you beat up on a basketball conference beating such bad football programs such as UConn, Rutgers and Syracuse.
U of L fans should stick to the truth. Maybe move to division two if you wanna be ranked in the top 10 yearly. Hey wait, I am pretty sure back during the 1970 and 1980’s you all almost made that move. After years of bad football in the weak Metro Conference and only 4,000-7,000 fans showing up in your old 35,000 seat arena, you all almost gave up playing division one football. Maybe you crybabies should do that now.
My guess for next year is 3-9. Kiss the bowl bid for next year goodbye. Kiss the dreams of a Big East Championship goodbye. And oh yeah, please kiss the dream of being Elite goodbye. Stick to basketball. At least you all are good at something. Well I take back; you all are also good at making us Kentucky and SEC fans laugh hearing you all call yourself “up and coming” in football.
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