Vick was at the Federal Transfer Center in Oklahoma City on Wednesday afternoon, U.S. Bureau of Prisons spokeswoman Felicia Ponce said. The bureau's Web site simply listed Vick as being "in transit" and Ponce said she could not disclose the inmate's ultimate destination until he arrives.
It was not clear when Vick left the federal penitentiary in Leavenworth, Kan. Two weeks ago, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Frank Santoro demanded that Vick testify at an April 2 hearing in Newport News about whether his Chapter 11 bankruptcy plan should be confirmed.
Another judge issued a court order directing federal marshals to bring the former Atlanta Falcons quarterback to Virginia for the hearing. It was unclear how long Vick would be at the Oklahoma facility and when he might arrive in Virginia.
Vick's attorneys did not immediately return phone messages left by The Associated Press.
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Top stories | Rumors | Video | Photos Vick is serving 23 months for bankrolling a dogfighting conspiracy. He is eligible to move into home confinement no earlier than May 21 and is scheduled to be released from custody July 20.
Vick will likely be kept in a southeastern Virginia jail until the hearing, but it wasn't known which one. Newport News Sheriff Gabe Morgan said he had not been notified that Vick would be staying in the city jail, but it was possible Vick and federal marshals would show up unannounced.
The judge overseeing Vick's bankruptcy case rejected the idea of allowing testimony by video hookup, saying he needed Vick in the courtroom so he could assess his demeanor and credibility.
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